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Albumera technology stack to solve scheduling with hardcode, much-code,low-code and no-code.


Albumera Tech Stack


Albumera's tech team approximately uses 360 person-hours per day on average. What does it mean? Let me explain. Our team is six people. We are a startup to get the maximum of work 80 hours per week per person. Ok, that's unrealistic, but it makes 12 hours per day on average maximum. It's a maximum of 72 hours per day as a team. How can a group like this use 360 person-hours per day?

The answer is automation and tools.

Currently, our no-code to low-code tech stack is like this:

Unbounce for Landing Pages and A/B Tests,

Segment + 12 other tools for Customer Data and Optimization


Airtable + Typeform + Zapier for operations

Notion for quick customer facing pages and team-wide work -> made with Notion + .

Sendgrid, Twilio, PHP Server With Cron, Vercel for Blogging, Substack for Newsletter, Hotjar for Customer insights and feedbacks, Sentry for performance checks and monitoring.

Jarvee for automating social media campaign management. Our robot is developed in 4 man-hours and working since then for 2 months running 10 social accounts.

Phantombuster for automating marketing

Scrapinghub to scrape important info about the business

Honeybadger to track photo upload experiences


BrowserStack for testing

SOFY for test automation

USE Together for pair programming

Configcat for feature flag service

LogDNA for logging

Invision studio for prototyping

Although we have a license, we prefer to stay away from any Atlassian product. JIRA + Service Desk + Confluence + Bitbucket + Bamboo + Fisheye + Crucible

Because they're anti automation, they exist because they require people. It's not suitable for startups. Period.

Our Code Tech Stack is like this:

Next.js for this Blog

React for

Parse Server

Node.js for Image Manipulation server

Python - Tensorflow - UWSGI Docker for AI deployments

Elastic Beanstalk for any web app

Swift for Reminis App iOS

Java for Reminis Android

PHP for

Kubernetes for mongo

Polypane + TailwindCSS for design

Agora for remote photoshoot video chat